Friday, March 12, 2010


Holy Moly have I been busy lately!!! I've knocked quite a few things off my list, but new ones keep cropping up. I haven't had a chance to take any pictures in the chaos, but here's the latest:

We have a painted nursery with a perfect cherry blossom tree on the light green walls, and a beautiful pink dresser that is just perfect.

The doors are attached to the entertainment center, and just need a little paint touch up, but they're finally on and looking pretty decent.

On the down side, my 1999 Nissan Altima blew a head gasket. The shop wanted way more than we were willing to pay to fix it, so I'm attempting the job on my own for a fraction of the price. It has been a bit of a struggle, but I've just about got the head off, and am really looking forward to getting the beast running again so that I can focus on more enjoyable tasks.... I just hope I can put all the hoses and wires back where they came from!!!

Its been a bit crazy, but I'm feeling good and keeping busy, so I really can't complain....

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