We awoke a few mornings ago to find this in our garden....
I took a closer look and found that some kind of dastardly creature was so rude as to steal half the tip of our strawberry and eat it. I decided that the we couldn't afford to lose any more of our prize strawberry, and promptly picked it and cut out the eaten portion... leaving this:
I ate my half in two bites... the first bite was like no strawberry I've ever had. I can't quite explain it, but it just had a strawberry essence that must have come from the freshness, and was just perfect. The second bite wasn't quite so magical... it was actually downright sour. I think the strawberry should have ripened for another day or two, but it wasn't to be... We've got another one turning red now, and I'm definitely going to push it to the edge before picking it.
Our garden is really picking up some steam these days... the Nordello peppers have started popping up, and so have the poblanos... and just this morning, I noticed our first tiny tomato. This is all so exciting, considering that no plant other than a cactus has ever survived my care....
1 comment:
Nice, real nice. Congratulations on your newfound green thumb. The spell
has been broken!
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