Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Now that I've had this blog for a little while, I realized that I wasn't using labels very effectively. I went through and changed all the labels, so now, if you're interested in a certain subject, you can click on it and see all the posts related to that topic. I've condensed everything so down to a pretty manageable list of topics. In doing this, I came across an interesting idea....I can actually track my level of interest in particular activities...

As of now, I used a cooking related label for 60% of my posts. Woodworking and fishing each came in at 5%. I find it fascinating that I can evaluate my interests with such clarity. At this point, I am obviously obsessed with cooking more than anything else, and I am very curious to see what these numbers look like after a full year.

I'm looking forward to using this enhanced vision to see myself with a little more clarity... This kind of information will let me see when I've allowed a hobby to go by the wayside, and either remind me to pick it up again, or bring me to the conclusion that it isn't something I'm really interested in...

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